
XenApp Certification Training Course in Bangalore, India

Designed for students with little to no previous XenApp or XenDesktop experience. Obtain foundational knowledge of XenApp and XenDesktop required to be successful with the platform. Learn to install, configure, and manage a highly available environment comprised of XenApp and XenDesktop controllers, StoreFront, Citrix Receiver, Director, and Profile management. please fill-in the enquiry form on this page or e-mail info (at) Proctorlearn (dot) com.

Key Features

Comprehensive training workshops with practice exams

Classroom/Instructor-led Live Online Training course

Convenient Weekend batches for working professionals

Quality courseware

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The Instructor-Led Online Class is also an effective and alternative mode of learning as compared to well-known lecture-style environment in classroom. The Instructor-Led Online Class enables the participant to raise doubts, question and interact freely and frequently, respond through feedback or request for more information. Participants are encouraged to participate and be proactive in making the sessions more lively that takes beyond lecture style environment.

Key Features

Comprehensive training workshops with practice exams

Classroom/Instructor-led Live Online Training course

Convenient Weekend batches for working professionals

Quality courseware

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Exam simulator, as created by our expert , contains multiple-choice review questions that best replicate the final exam for certification. This practice or mock exam can be taken at the pace preferred by the participant, but there is a timer for every question before which an answer must be selected. We strongly recommend all our participants to attempt as many exams in better understanding of course material and preparing for the certification.

At Proctorlearn, we believe freedom and flexibility are the ingredients of excellent e-learning. We know that each learner has his or her own set of preferences when it comes to learning. E-learning allows you to choose modules, chapters, or topics. You can learn at any time, anywhere, and at your convenience.Because of this, it has become a popular way to study. Success in e-learning depends heavily on self-motivation and requires little supervision. When location is no longer a barrier, why should boundaries exist? Our platform is perfect for anyone who wants to save time. It helps you avoid travel issues, so you can learn smoothly. You can track your study progress. You can set timers too. You can navigate chapters in any order. Also, you can select specific pages when needed. Our skilled technical team makes sure courses are delivered smoothly. This helps learners from various places and gives them a personalized learning experience. Ultimately, our goal is to help you achieve a high level of skill as a professional in your chosen field. Start your learning journey with ProctorLearn today!

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XenApp 90 Days E-Learning 90 Days Access e-Learning 7,999.00

Course Detail

Course Overview

Citrix XenApp 6.5 Administration training course provides the foundation necessary for administrators to effectively centralize and manage applications in the datacenter and instantly deliver them as a service to users anywhere. Learners will receive training for installing and configuring Citrix XenApp 6.5, Citrix Receiver and plug-ins, as well as for using administrative consoles and tools to configure resources, policies, server and farm settings, printers, virtualized applications and more.


Should have experience administering Windows Server 2008 R2 environments.
  • Introducing XenApp
  • Licensing XenApp
  • Installing XenApp
  • Administrative Configuration
  • Installing and Configuring Web Interface and StoreFront
  • Delivering Applications and Content
  • Citrix Receiver
  • Application Streaming and App-V Integration
  • Configuring Policies
  • Configuring Load Management
  • Optimizing the User Experience
  • Configuring Printing
  • XenApp Security
  • Monitoring XenApp
  • Additional Components

Q: With the release of Citrix XenApp 5 Feature Pack, which XenApp components have licensing changes?

A: The components with licensing changes are Application Streaming, Single Sign-On, Provisioning Services, Load Testing Services and Easycall Voice Services.


Q: How do I know if I am eligible to download the new Feature Pack and components?

A: All customers who had a valid Subscription Advantage membership as of March 9, 2009 are entitled to download the new feature entitlements. Downloads are blocked if the customer is unentitled.


Q: What versions and platforms support the XenApp 5 Feature Pack?

A: XenApp 5 Feature Pack is supported on Presentation Server 4.5, Presentation Server 4.5.1 and XenApp 5. This is applicable to both WS03 and WS08 platforms.


Q: Do I need any new licenses to enable the new features?

A: Current XenApp Advanced Edition customers who want the new application streaming feature must to go to My Account on Citrix.com to return and rehost their license file in order to receive a new one. All other XenApp 5 Feature Pack enhancements do not require any licensing changes.


Application Streaming

Q: What has changed with application streaming?

A: The optimal application delivery system includes both hosted and streamed delivery options. As a result, an application streaming feature has been added to XenApp Advanced edition.
In addition, application streaming now enables local application delivery to endpoint devices without requiring the purchase of separate add-on licenses and without consuming a XenApp license. This provides the ability to extend offline use of streamed applications to all XenApp users. The product changes were delivered in the form of hotfixes available for download on March 15, 2009. Desktop/offline usage is controlled using the End User License Agreement (EULA).


Q: What do I need to do to take advantage of application streaming?

A: Existing XenApp Enterprise and Platinum Edition customers must apply the hotfixes made available on March 15, 2009 from the XenApp 5 Feature Pack page on My Account on Citrix.com.
For XenApp Advanced Edition customers, Citrix recommends referencing the document entitled “Using Application Streaming with the Advanced Edition” found on the XenApp 5 Feature Pack download page for instructions.


Q: If I am an existing XenApp Advanced customer, how do I receive my new license file needed to enable application streaming?

A: Existing XenApp Advanced customers can log into the My Account on Citrix.com licensing portal to return and rehost their existing license file for a new one. Refer to CTX115870 - How to Reallocate a License File for instructions.


Q: Is the usage of the application streaming feature for desktop/offline limited in any way?

A: Yes. As per the terms of the EULA, local desktop (offline) support is extended to all XenApp users who access hosted applications.


Q: What is an example of appropriate desktop/offline usage for the application streaming feature?

A: If you purchase 300 XenApp licenses for N users, then all N users are entitled to use application streaming on their desktops (offline).


Q: If I have users who do not access XenApp, can they use application streaming to the desktop?

A: No. As per the terms of the EULA, these users are not entitled to use this feature. Additional purchase of XenApp licenses is required.


Single Sign-On

Q: What has changed with Single Sign-On?

A: The Single Sign-On feature will no longer consume a XenApp Platinum Edition license when used for desktop or offline use. The product code was modified and delivered in the form of a new agent made available for download on March 15, 2009. Desktop/offline usage is controlled using the EULA.


Q: What do I need to do to take advantage of the new Single Sign-On benefits?

A: Existing customers need to download the agent made available on March 15, 2009 from the XenApp 5 Feature Pack page on My Account on Citrix.com. New customers must install the Single Sign-On software and download the new agent.


Q: Is the usage of the Single Sign-On feature for desktop/offline limited in any way?

A: Yes. Per the terms of the EULA, local desktop (offline) support is extended to all XenApp Platinum users who access hosted applications.


Q: What is an example of appropriate desktop/offline usage for the Single Sign-On feature?

A: At the purchase of 400 XenApp licenses for N users, all N users are entitled to use Single Sign-On on their desktops (offline).


Q: If I have users who do not access XenApp Platinum hosted apps, can they use Single Sign-On on the desktop?

A: No. As per the terms of the EULA, these users are not entitled to use this feature. Additional purchase of XenApp licenses is required.


Profile Management

Q: How do I know if I am entitled to use the Profile Management feature?

A: Customers with active Subscription Advantage as of March 9, 2009 for the following products are entitled to download and use this feature:

  • XenApp 5, Enterprise and Platinum Editions
  • Citrix Presentation Server 4.5, Enterprise and Platinum Editions

The specific terms of entitlement and licensing are described in the EULA.


Q: How do I get the new Profile Management feature?

A: Customers with active XenApp Enterprise or Platinum Subscription Advantage as of March 9, 2009 can download the Profile Management software from the XenApp 5 Feature Pack page on My Account on Citrix.com.


Q: Is a separate license required for Profile Management?

A: No, a separate profile management license is not needed. This is not a licensed feature. However, you must be current on Subscription Advantage to download the software.


Q: Can I use Profile Management on the deskteop of the user?

A: Yes. As per the terms of the EULA, local desktop support is extended to all XenApp Enterprise and Platinum users who access hosted applications.


Q: What is an example of appropriate desktop usage for the Profile Management feature?

A: At the purchase of 100 XenApp licenses for N users, all N users are entitled to use Profile Management on their desktop.


Q: If I have users that do not access XenApp can they use Profile Management on the desktop?

A: No. As per the terms of the EULA, these users are not entitled to use this feature. Additional purchase of XenApp licenses is required.


Provisioning Services

Q: How do I know if I am entitled to use the Provisioning Services feature?

A: Customers with active XenApp Platinum Subscription Advantage as of March 9, 2009 are entitled to download and use this feature.


Q: How do I get the new Provisioning Services feature?

A: Customers with active XenApp Platinum Subscription Advantage as of March 9, 2009 can download the provisioning services software from the link on the XenApp 5 Feature Pack page on My Account on Citrix.com.


Q: Is a separate license required for Provisioning Services?

A: No, a separate provisioning services license is not needed. This feature works with and is technically enforced by the XenApp Platinum license.


Q: If I am an existing XenApp Platinum customer, do I need a new XenApp Platinum license?

A: No, existing customers do not need a newXenApp Platinum license.


Q: Is the use of the Provisioning Services feature limited in any way?

A: Yes, the Provisioning Services feature can only be used to provision XenApp Platinum server workloads. The provisioning of other XenApp farm servers, such as Citrix Receiver for Web (web interface), license server and so on, is not permitted per the terms of the EULA.


Q: What can I do if I need full use of the Provisioning Services product?

A: Customers can purchase Essentials for Citrix XenServer, Platinum Edition.


Q: Can I use Provisioning Services to provision a XenApp Platinum virtual server?

A: Yes. There is no restriction on whether the XenApp Platinum server is virtual or physical.


Load Testing Services

Q: How do I know if I am entitled to use the load testing services feature?

A: Customers with active XenApp Platinum or Enterprise Subscription Advantage as of March 9, 2009 are entitled to download and use this feature.


Q: How do I get the new load testing services feature?

A: Customers with active XenApp Platinum or Enterprise Subscription Advantage as of March 9, 2009 can download the load testing services software from the link on the XenApp 5 Feature Pack page on My Account on Citrix.com.


Q: Is a separate license required for load testing services?

A: No, a separate load testing services license is not needed. This feature works with and is technically enforced by the XenApp Platinum or Enterprise license.


Q: If I am an existing XenApp Enterprise or Platinum customer, do I need a new XenApp Platinum or Enterprise license?

A: No, existing customers do not need a newXenApp Platinum or Enterprise license.


Q: Are there any user limitations for the load testing services feature?

A: No, the load testing services feature runs for unlimited number of users on XenApp Enterprise or Platinum servers.


EasyCall Voice Services

Q: How do I know if I am entitled to use the EasyCall Voice Services feature?

A: Customers with active XenApp Subscription Advantage as of March 9, 2009 are entitled to download and use this feature.


Q: How do I get the new EasyCall Voice Services feature?

A: Customers with active XenApp Subscription Advantage as of March 9, 2009 can download the EasyCall Voice Services software and virtual appliance from the link on the XenApp 5 Feature Pack page on My Account on Citrix.com


Q: Is a separate license required for EasyCall Voice Services?

A: No, a separate EasyCall Voice Services license is not needed.


Q: Can I use EasyCall Voice Services on the desktop of the user?

A: Yes. As per the terms of the EULA, local desktop (offline) support is extended to all XenApp users who access hosted applications.


Q: What is an example of appropriate desktop/offline usage for the EasyCall voice services feature?

A: At the purchase of 800 XenApp licenses for N users, all N users are entitled to use EasyCall voice services on their desktops (offline).


Q: If I have users who do not access XenApp hosted apps, can they use EasyCall Voice Services on the desktop?

A: No. As per the terms of the EULA, these users are not entitled to use this feature. Additional purchase of XenApp licenses is required.


Q: Are there any changes for existing XenApp Platinum customers who already have the EasyCall Voice Services feature?

A: Existing XenApp customers who are already using the EasyCall voice services feature should download the new version of the software. The new version no longer requires a XenApp Platinum license and enables expanded usage.


Q: Do I still need to purchase a separate appliance to use the EasyCall voice services feature?

A: No, with the EasyCall 2.1 release, the need to purchase a physical appliance was replaced with a virtual appliance that will run on any edition of XenServer and is available at no charge. This new virtual appliance can be downloaded here, and XenServer is available at no charge here.


Workflow Studio Orchestration

Q: How do I know if I am entitled to use the Workflow Studio Orchestration feature?

A: Customers with active XenApp Subscription Advantage as of March 9, 2009 are entitled to download and use this feature.


Q: How do I get the Workflow Studio Orchestration feature?

A: Customers with active XenApp Subscription Advantage as of March 9, 2009 can download the Workflow Studio Orchestration software from the link on the XenApp 5 Feature Pack page on My Account on Citrix.com.


Q: Is a separate license required for Workflow Studio Orchestration?

A: No, a separate Workflow Studio Orchestration license is not needed. This is not a licensed feature. However, customers must be current on Subscription Advantage to download the software.


Q: Are there any use limitations for the Workflow Studio Orchestration feature?

A: No, as long as it is used in conjunction with some aspect of the Citrix Delivery Center.


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