Cisco Certified Network Professional Certification Training Course in Dublin, United States

Proctorlearn's training in Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) Routing and Switching is an ideal certification program for network engineers to maximize their foundational networking knowledge. Our training module imparts participants with practical, relevant and industry-ready domain knowledge on network solutions. Please fill-in the enquiry form or call now on +1 (713)-287-1213 for CCNP certification training in Dublin, United States.

Key Features

Learn from experienced trainers

Get practice tests from an examination perspective

Learn as per your convenience

Weekend batches for working professionals

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The Instructor-Led Online Class makes it near possible of a face-to-face interaction with the simple difference in the basic premise. The course is conducted online, and hence virtual connections is a ‘must have’ like goto meeting or citrix or plug-ins (like moodle), which facilitates instructor-led online trainings. The participant size is generally kept to a minimum to ensure consistent coverage and delivery to all those enrolled regardless of the location. In the virtual world, time and location are not all a constraint, but we do make sure that training schedule doesn’t discomfort any of the participants given the time zone (or difference).

Key Features

Learn from experienced trainers

Get practice tests from an examination perspective

Learn as per your convenience

Weekend batches for working professionals

Workshop Dates and Register

Course Workshop Date Course Type Price ( USD ) Register

Practice makes perfection. The more mock-ups you work and clear, more are your chances in clearing the CCNP exam successfully. In preparing you for the final exam, we have simulated exams in the same pattern of CCNP by recreating the environment right to the timer. You can test your knowledge through self-assessment through this Exam Simulator. Attempt as many as you can; keep sharpening the mind to be active and agile; test your own strength about the CCNP knowledge and share us your experience of success. Enroll first to acquire your access credentials, and logon to the Exam Simulator website. There will be 6 complete CCNP practice exams and few complimentary papers as well.

Freedom and flexibility are the founding pillars of Alibabalearning's e-Learning. We know that people prefer to learn in many ways and manner. The freedom to choose one' own module or chapters or portions and the flexibility to study at any time, place or pace makes e-Learning one of the preferred mode of Learning. The success of e-learning rests very much on the individual as it's largely self-motivated with minimal monitoring. When location doesn't matter, will boundary? e-Learning is best suited for those who wish to save on time and travel, 'anytime anywhere learning', tracking of study [yes, you can set the timer], juggle between chapters by choosing the last first or middle or even select page. A dedicated and experienced technical team prepares and provides consistent Course delivery which will largely benefit participants geographically diverse and offer more personalized Instruction. End of the day, the objective is to make you a consummate professional in your chosen path.

Workshop Dates and Register

Course Workshop Date Course Type Price ( USD ) Register
Cisco Certified Network Professional 90 Days E-Learning 90 Days Access e-Learning 499.00

Course Detail

Course Overview

Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) Routing and Switching certification validates the ability to plan, implement, verify and troubleshoot local and wide-area enterprise networks and work collaboratively with specialists on advanced security, voice, wireless and video solutions. The CCNP Routing and Switching certification is appropriate for those with at least one year of networking experience who are ready to advance their skills and work independently on complex network solutions. Those who achieve CCNP Routing and Switching certification have demonstrated the skills required in enterprise roles such as network engineer, support engineer, systems engineer or network technician. The routing and switching protocol knowledge from this certification will provide a lasting foundation as these skills are equally relevant in the physical networks of today and the virtualized network functions of tomorrow.


You must first hold a valid CCNA or any CCIE designation. Then you must pass three exams: Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE), Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks (SWITCH), and Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks (TSHOOT). Exams are 2 hours and $200 each.

There are additional CCNP certifications available for specialized tracks such as wireless, data center, and security. For the full list of current CCNP titles, follow the "See all Cisco Certifications" link near the bottom of this page.

Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE)

Students will learn to plan, configure and verify the implementation of secure enterprise LAN and WAN routing solutions using a range of routing protocols.
» Learn More v1.0
» Learn More v2.0

Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks (SWITCH)

Students will learn to plan, configure and verify the implementation of complex enterprise switching solutions using Cisco's Campus Enterprise Architecture.
» Learn More v1.0
» Learn More v2.0

Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks (TSHOOT)

Students will learn to (1) plan and perform regular maintenance on complex enterprise routed and switched networks and (2) use technology-based practices and a systematic ITIL-compliant approach to perform network troubleshooting.
» Learn More v1.0
» Learn More v2.0

Q: What is being changed on the CCNP exams? What percentage of the topics are new?

A. The certification expectations that are validated on the CCNP exams have been revised to align with the job-role expectations of network engineers at the professional level. Candidates can view a list of the exam topics by clicking the selected exam at CCNP on the Cisco Learning Network. Cisco does not release information on the percentage or number of questions on specific exam topics; candidates should be prepared to answer questions on all of the topics that are listed.

Q: Now that the revised CCNP has been announced, can I still take the previous CCNP exams? How long will they be valid?

A: The last day for candidates to take the BSCI, BCMSN, COMP, ISCW and ONT exams will be July 31, 2010. Passing scores on retired exams will be accepted until their expiration date—three years from the date the exam was taken.

Q. The CCIP certification requires the BSCI exam. The CCDP certification requires the BSCI and BCMSN exams. Will these exams still be available for CCIP and CCDP candidates?

A. No, the BSCI and BCMSN exams will be retired and replaced with the ROUTE and SWITCH exams, respectively, in all related Cisco certifications. Students who are working toward their CCIP or CCDP certifications should refer to the mix-and-match tables above for further information.

Q. Is there a specific order that the exams need to be taken for the new CCNP?

A. The exams may be taken in any order, but the recommended order for the courses is to take ROUTE and SWITCH before the TSHOOT course, which incorporates the knowledge from ROUTE and SWITCH into the lab scenarios that are used for course work.

Q: What is being changed in the routing exam and course?

A: The CCNP routing course (Implementing Cisco IP Routing) and 642-9032 ROUTE exam now cover these additional topics:

  • Configuring EIGRP across HDLC, Frame Relay, MPLS, VPN, and MPLS virtual circuits
  • Configuring OSPF over HDLC, Frame Relay, PPT, and over different WAN links
  • Implementing alternate routing path control
  • Implementing IPv
  • Analyzing branch office network designs and planning installation
  • Analyzing designs to support mobile workers and planning network modifications.

Q: What is being changed in the switching exam and course?

A: The CCNP switching course (Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks) and 642-813 SWITCH exam now cover these additional topics:

  • Implementing Per VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST) and 802.1W Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
  • Implementing network monitoring in a highly available network
  • Integrating the latest WLAN devices into the campus infrastructure

Q: What is the CCNP TSHOOT beta exam? Does it count toward CCNP certification?

A: The TSHOOT beta is an early release of the TSHOOT certification exam, which is used to determine the predictive ability of the exam questions. It is the same length and covers the same topics as the final exam. Candidates who pass a beta exam receive full credit, however scores on beta exams are not immediately available. Candidates must wait six to eight weeks, until the beta analysis is complete, to receive their scores. The TSHOOT beta exam will be released sometime around February 16 and be available through March 26, 2010 at a discounted price of $50 USD. As an incentive to schedule, the first 150 beta exams completed will be provided free of charge. Candidates may attempt a beta exam only one time.

Q: Which question formats will the CCNP exams include?

A: Candidates will see a variety of question formats on the new CCNP exams. The question formats will include traditional multiple-choice questions, drag-and-drop type questions, and simulation questions.

Q: If I take the new CCNP courses in routing (ROUTE) or switching (SWITCH) before the new exams are released, can I take the current exams?

A: Students who take the new and updated routing course (ROUTE) or the new and updated switching course (SWITCH) will still be allowed to take the existing BSCI (routing) and BCMSN (switching) exams until July 31, 2010. The new ROUTE and SWITCH exams are scheduled to be released in mid-March of 2010, and the TSHOOT exam is scheduled to be released in April of 2010. Because the new courses go into more depth than the existing courses, students should be well prepared to take the existing exams and achieve certification.


Q: What happens if I have already passed some of the current CCNP requirements? Which of the new exams do I need to take?

A: You will have until July 31, 2010 to take any of the current series of CCNP exams to achieve certification. As of August 1, 2010, the BSCI, BCMSN, COMP, ISCW and ONT exams will be retired. Passing scores on exams are valid for three years from the date the exam is taken and will continue to count towards certification. You can consult the CCNP Exam Combination Tool online to see the exams required in your specific situation.

Q: I have passed only the ISCW or ONT exam, not both. Should I try to take the other exam before July 31, 2010? *OR* I have taken the ISCW (or ONT) course, but not the exam. Should I try to take the exam before July 31, 2010?

A: If you can pass both the ISCW and ONT exams by July 31, 2010, before they are retired, you will not have to take the TSHOOT exam to achieve certification. If, on the other hand, you do not think that you have a good chance of passing both exams before July 31, 2010, then you should focus your time on preparing for the TSHOOT exam, as you will not have an opportunity to retake ISCW or ONT after July 31, 2010. Do not waste your time and money trying to pass just one of the exams, because one is not enough to waive the requirement to pass TSHOOT beyond July 31, 2010.

Q: What is the CCNP TSHOOT beta exam? Does it count toward CCNP certification?

A: The TSHOOT beta is an early release of the TSHOOT certification exam, which is used to determine the predictive ability of the exam questions. It is the same length and covers the same topics as the final exam. Candidates who pass a beta exam receive full credit, however scores on beta exams are not immediately available. Candidates must wait six to eight weeks, until the beta analysis is complete, to receive their scores. The TSHOOT beta exam will be released sometime around February 16 and be available through March 26, 2010 at a discounted price of $50 USD. As an incentive to schedule, the first 150 beta exams completed will be provided free of charge. Candidates may attempt a beta exam only one time.


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